The Pro System Layout

Layout of modules for the Pro system:

Place all the bottom wall modules at 2' from the floor. Absorbers and diffusers alternate around the room to provide a mix of damping and scattering.

Deep diffuser modules go on the bottom layer. Shallow ones go above.

2D diffuser modules go towards the front of the room. 3D diffuser modules go towards the back of the room.

Place the first set of wall modules at the first reflection point. Place the three other sets behind that. Find the first reflection point by using a mirror. Sit at the listening position and have an assistant move the mirror along the wall until you can see a speaker. The mirror indicates the first reflection point. It's that simple!

Place the two ceiling clouds at the first reflection points between the speakers and the listening position.

Place the bass absorber modules in the front corners on the floor. If the corners are not available, place the bass modules along the front wall/floor junction.



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